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How Long Does It Take to Recover From Surgery, and What Are the Best Practices For Recovery?

Posted August 23, 2016 in Blog

Although great strides have been made in recent decades to make breast augmentation surgery a safer and less invasive experience, all surgeries bring with them some needed recovery time.

The First Two Days

For most patients, the hardest part of the recovery period occurs in the first 48 hours. During this time, you’ll want to watch closely for any signs of bleeding or other problems at the incision sites. You may start to develop bruises.

Best Practices During This Time: Take medications as directed by your doctor. Follow instructions carefully, including any advice on wearing a support bra, moving your arms, or taking care of incision sites. Watch for signs of bleeding or of infection, like redness, tenderness, or fever. Cancel any plans, and get lots of rest.

The First Two Weeks

During this time, you’ll be able to move around more and even take showers. You may still have fluid retention and swelling, as well as constipation from certain types of pain medication. While your pain should decrease, you might still find that you need some medication at night.

Best Practices During This Time: Limit your physical activity; always do less than you feel you can do. If your doctor has given you exercises to do, start these on schedule. Follow instructions for incision care carefully, and stay alert for any signs of bleeding or infection.

Week Four

During the third week, your pain should continue to decrease – and your swelling should decrease with it. Most people can start doing low-impact exercises again at this point, although it’s still wise to avoid high-impact or resistance exercises for your upper body. You may have some unusual nerve sensations, like numbness, twinges of pain, or “pins and needles” feelings.

Best Practices During This Time: Decrease your pain medication, and start moving around again as your comfort permits. Continue to do any exercises prescribed by your doctor and to wear a support bra. If pain, swelling, numbness, or tingling are troublesome, talk to your doctor. A B-Complex vitamin is recommended to help the feeling come back to normal faster.

The First Nine Months

Although you may feel fully healed by the end of the first month, your body is still adjusting to the implants for up to nine months after surgery. Your scar tissue will relax; swelling will resolve; and your breasts will become softer. You’ll also see the biggest differences in your self-image.

For a free, private consultation about your breast augmentation surgery options in Cleveland, please call our team at The Cosmetic Surgery Center at (216) 264-8100.