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Tummy Tuck in Cleveland, OH

Dr. Goldschmidt possesses the experience and knowledge to deliver outstanding body contouring results. If you desire a firmer abdomen and a stronger core, you may qualify for tummy tuck surgery. To learn more about the procedure, please continue reading. To schedule a private consultation, contact us today. 

Tummy tuck surgery, or abdominoplasty, removes troublesome fatty tissue and excess skin via excision and liposuction techniques. Hormonal changes, weight fluctuations, and pregnancy can alter the appearance of the abdomen, resulting in displeasing skin laxity. These factors can also cause the body to accumulate fat deposits in and around the midsection. Excess skin and stubborn fat that resist even the most dedicated diet and exercise regimens can be frustrating. Tummy tuck surgery restores the midsection and produces optimal results by sculpting and tightening the abdominal area. Dr. Matt Goldschmidt performs tummy tuck surgery in the Cleveland, Ohio, area, delivering dramatic and personalized body contouring results to his patients.

Am I a Candidate for a Tummy Tuck?

The best candidates for tummy tuck surgery are in good overall health and have realistic expectations of the procedure. Patients are advised to quit using tobacco products six weeks before and after their scheduled surgery to minimize the risk of complications. Tummy tuck surgery may benefit patients who can relate to any of the following conditions:

  • Abdominal skin laxity
  • Rectus muscle weakness
  • Localized pockets of fat around the midsection

Are you considering a tummy tuck? Contact Dr. Matt Goldschmidt today by calling 216.350.3175.

What Are My Tummy Tuck Options?

Tummy tuck surgery is a customizable procedure that can address several cosmetic abdominal concerns. Dr. Goldschmidt offers both full tummy tuck and mini tummy tuck surgeries. Either technique can be combined with liposuction, depending on a patient’s individual needs and goals.

  • Full Tummy Tuck
    • A full tummy tuck requires an incision from hip-to-hip along the pubic area
    • A secondary incision is usually placed around the navel
    • Excess abdominal tissue is removed, and the remaining skin is tightened
    • Rectus muscles may be repaired using this technique
  • Mini Tummy Tuck
    • A mini tummy tuck requires a shorter incision than a full tummy tuck
    • Less skin is excised during this procedure
    • Addresses cosmetic concerns that lie below the navel
  • Liposuction
    • Liposuction provides additional body contouring effects
    • Can target stubborn fat in the hips, flanks, and abdomen
    • Both tumescent and ultrasonic techniques are offered

How Is Tummy Tuck Surgery Performed?

Tummy tuck surgery typically requires the use of general anesthesia. This outpatient procedure can last between one and three hours, depending on the extent of correction a patient needs and which surgical techniques are used. During your initial consultation, Dr. Goldschmidt will develop a unique surgical plan that reflects your cosmetic desires and anatomical needs.

How Long Is My Tummy Tuck Recovery?

You may experience moderate pain during the first few days after surgery. Any discomfort can be managed using medication as prescribed by Dr. Goldschmidt. During your first week of recovery, you must wear an abdominal binder around your waist at all times and remain in a bent position. You must then wear the binder as much as possible for the following three to four weeks. Any drains inserted during the procedure will be removed, usually within the first week or so. Most patients can resume working after two weeks, as long as their job is not physically demanding. Before your procedure, you will receive thorough aftercare instructions that will include a timeline of your postoperative limitations.

When Will I See My Tummy Tuck Results?

The outcome of the procedure will continue to improve as the incisions heal, the body adjusts to its new form, and the side effects subside. The incisions used during tummy tuck surgery are placed in discreet locations that can be concealed with clothing. The incision used for a mini tummy tuck is shorter than that of a full tummy tuck, but both are created along the bikini line. Any scars that develop tend to fade over time. Your tummy tuck results are considered permanent as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle, do not gain significant weight, and do not become pregnant after the procedure.

Are There Potential Complications After a Tummy Tuck?

Patients rarely experience difficulties following their tummy tuck procedure. However, all surgeries come with risks. Some of the possible complications that will be discussed during your consultation include:

  • Bleeding or hematoma
  • Prolonged swelling
  • Infection
  • Scarring
  • Changes in sensation at the treatment site

Frequently Asked Questions About the Tummy Tuck

What is diastasis recti, and how can a tummy tuck repair it?

Diastasis recti is the separation of the abdominal muscle. This occurs most commonly during pregnancy; however, it is also possible in both men and women who gain significant weight. The abdominal muscles are divided into two sections that are meant to remain side-by-side, usually a finger width apart. When the uterus expands, the two sides of the abdominal (rectus) muscle can separate, and, once they do, they do not come back together on their own. This separation results in a lower abdominal pooch that is resistant to any form of diet and exercise. A tummy tuck surgically corrects diastasis recti by repositioning the two sides of the rectus muscle.

Are there non-cosmetic reasons to consider a tummy tuck?

Most patients consider tummy tuck surgery for aesthetic reasons to address skin, fat, or muscle laxity; however, tummy tuck surgery also provides non-cosmetic benefits. Tummy tuck surgery has been shown to correct ventral hernias, improve posture, relieve lower back pain that resulted from the stomach’s excess, and lessen instances of stress urinary incontinence (SUI).

When can I work out after a tummy tuck?

Tummy tuck surgery is an invasive procedure that cuts through skin, fat, and muscle to manipulate the core muscles. Because of this, the recovery period is longer than many other forms of plastic surgery. Tummy tuck patients can and should begin walking within a day of their surgery. More strenuous activities like jogging, running, and lifting weights should be avoided for at least six weeks, and abdominal-heavy exercises like sit-ups and yoga should be avoided for even longer.

Consult with Dr. Goldschmidt before returning to any exercise program. Starting physical activity too soon can result in the incision separating and an extended recovery period.

Should I combine my tummy tuck surgery with another surgical procedure?

Tummy tuck surgery can be performed alone or in combination with another body contouring or breast enhancement procedure. Tummy tuck surgery can be combined with:

Can I have children after a tummy tuck?

Tummy tuck surgery does not physically impact your ability to get pregnant or have a successful pregnancy. We recommend waiting for a tummy tuck until after you have had your children for purely aesthetic reasons. Pregnancy places significant strain on the abdomen that may result in loose skin, weakened rectus muscles, and excess fat. A tummy tuck will address all of those post-pregnancy concerns.

Will abdominal liposuction give me the same results as a tummy tuck?

Liposuction on the abdomen can eliminate pockets of fat on the lower and upper abdomen and the obliques. While this procedure can provide significant fat reduction results, it cannot tighten loose skin, which is common in men and women considering a tummy tuck. If you have skin or muscle laxity, liposuction alone will not provide the results you hope to achieve.

For more information about Tummy Tuck in Cleveland, OH or to schedule your Tummy Tuck in Cleveland, OH consultation with Dr. Matt Goldschmidt, please call (216) 264-8100.