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Mini Facelift in Cleveland, OH

A procedure that yields great results in little time is unprecedented in the aesthetics industry. It gives people the opportunity to experience the benefits of cosmetic surgery without spending a lot of time or money.

What Are My Mini Facelift Options?

Dr. Matt Goldschmidt is an expert in facial cosmetic surgery in Cleveland, Ohio.

A facelift not only addresses loose skin in the neck and face but also replaces volume that may be lost as we get older. The mini facelift is similar but better for patients with less severe aging signs.

A mini facelift is a great option for those looking for less invasive help with saggy jawlines or necks. This is a very common procedure as it combines tightening the skin with adding volume to areas using facial fillers. The mini facelift also allows for well-hidden, small incisions.

Am I a Candidate for a Mini Facelift?

Good candidates for mini facelifts range in age from mid-thirties to fifties and have signs of mild to moderate skin damage and effects from aging.

Unwanted excess skin is often first noted by patients in their thirties. They want to take care of it quickly and affordably before it becomes a problem that they need a full facelift and other procedures.

How Is a Mini Facelift Performed?

Incisions are usually made in the front of the ear and under the chin. Dr. Goldschmidt advises that anyone coming for cosmetic surgery in Ohio seriously consider the state of their skin. Just because you think you need cosmetic surgery doesn’t mean you need a mini facelift.

You might have more excess fat or a significant amount of loose skin, leading the doctor to conclude that you should have a more in-depth surgery.

Following the advice of Dr. Matt Goldschmidt will ensure that you will get the best results from your mini facelift surgery.

To decrease downtime, Dr. Goldschmidt uses the most modern technologies and concepts to your advantage. The mini facelift may only take a few short hours to complete. The majority of patients find that they can return to work in just a few days.

Other procedures, such as facial skin resurfacing or BOTOX® Cosmetic, can be done at the same time if desired.

If you need a lift and have never undergone surgical facial rejuvenation, don’t feel like you have to deal with the expense of a traditional facelift. Consider trying a mini facelift at our Cleveland cosmetic surgery center. It’s minimally invasive, yields natural-looking results, is affordable, and remains very convenient.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Mini Facelift

How long will my mini facelift results last?

The results of your mini facelift should have long-term results. You will continue to age and develop new signs of aging in the face, but your facelift work helps ensure that you always look younger than your age.

Will my mini facelift look natural?

Yes, if you choose an experienced and qualified cosmetic surgeon, they know how to work towards the most natural-looking results.

What should patients look for in before-and-after photos?

It is always recommended you view before-and-after photos from the cosmetic surgeon you are considering. When looking at mini facelift before-and-afters, look for photos that don’t seem to manipulate the final image.

Look for photos that:

  • Have consistent lighting, angles, and distance for both photos.
  • Include multiple angles of the face. The usual shots include a frontal view, profile view, and a three-quarter view.
  • Don’t include distractions, such as flashy jewelry or clothing.
  • Have the chin in a neutral position. Photos where the head is tilted can be deceiving. In before photos, if the chin is pointed down, it can deepen wrinkles. In after photos, a chin that is tilted up can smooth out the skin and exaggerate results.

Cosmetic surgeons are very aware of the neutral format their before-and-after photos should follow. If they are willing to deceive on the images, it means they can’t stand behind their work.

These photos are the only opportunity for you to truly see the doctor’s ability before they work on you, so always make sure to request before-and-after photos.

Who is a good candidate for a mini facelift?

A good candidate for a mini facelift:

  • Is in their mid-30s to late-50s
  • Has moderate signs of aging
  • Is in generally good health
  • Is a non-smoker or willing to stop smoking before and after the procedure
  • Has realistic expectations for the procedure

Can laser treatments or fillers offer the same results as a mini-facelift?

Both lasers and fillers can offer excellent results to remove brown spots, flatten wrinkles, add volume, and tighten the face. However, non-surgical options simply cannot provide as drastic results as a mini or full facelift. A mini facelift can tighten the skin to offer a younger appearance much more than laser or filler treatments can.

Some patients choose to get laser treatments or fillers on top of their mini facelift.

Can I combine other procedures during my mini facelift?

Yes, it is quite common to combine an eyelid lift and brow lift or a neck lift with a mini facelift.


However, many patients choose a mini facelift for its fast recovery. You should note that additional procedures will extend your recovery time.

Does insurance cover a mini facelift?

A facelift is a 100 percent cosmetic procedure, so insurance providers do not cover it. However, you can contact your insurance provider and confirm your coverage with them.

What are the potential risks of a mini facelift?

A mini facelift is surgery and, therefore, like all surgeries, carries some element of risk. Patients may react adversely to the anesthesia.

Additionally, some post-procedure risks are:

  • Excessive bleeding
  • Infection
  • Unfavorable scarring

Interested in Learning More?

For more information about mini facelifts in Cleveland, Ohio, or to schedule your mini facelift consultation with Dr. Matt Goldschmidt, please call (216) 350-3175.

For more information about Mini Facelift in Cleveland, OH or to schedule your Mini Facelift in Cleveland, OH consultation with Dr. Matt Goldschmidt, please call (216) 264-8100.