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Mommy Makeover in Cleveland, OH

Pregnancy and breastfeeding can cause significant changes to your entire figure, from the appearance of your breasts to the curvature of your silhouette. Hormonal changes and weight fluctuations that occur during pregnancy can cause displeasing skin laxity and the accumulation of unwanted fat deposits throughout the body. Fortunately, many advanced surgical procedures can restore your physique and self-confidence. Dr. Matt Goldschmidt is a board-certified cosmetic surgeon with extensive experience performing the various Mommy Makeover techniques necessary to help you achieve your unique aesthetic goals.
The Mommy Makeover is a procedure package that restores the appearance of your breasts, abdomen, and buttocks after pregnancy. Women who undergo Mommy Makeover surgery can choose from a variety of cosmetic procedures that address their individual aesthetic concerns.

Am I a Candidate for a Mommy Makeover?

The ideal candidate for a Mommy Makeover must be in good overall health and have a realistic expectation of her procedure. Patients are also advised to stop using nicotine products in the weeks leading up to their surgery and during recovery to prevent potential complications. Women who relate to the following concerns may consider Mommy Makeover surgery:

  • Sagging or deflated breasts
  • Abdominal muscle weakness (diastasis recti)
  • Abdominal skin laxity
  • Localized fat deposits
  • Sagging or deflated buttocks

What Is Included in My Mommy Makeover?

During your consultation appointment with Dr. Goldschmidt, he will assess your areas of concern and discuss your cosmetic goals to develop a customized surgical plan. There are several options available for your Mommy Makeover surgery, including:

What Are My Breast Enhancement Options?

  • Breast Augmentation
    • Adds volume to the breasts using implants
    • Improves the size, projection, and shape of the breasts
    • Implants are available in various sizes and types
  • Breast Lift
    • Corrects varying degrees of breast sagging (ptosis)
    • May involve repositioning or resizing the nipple-areolar complex
    • Can be performed using an incision around the nipple, in the shape of a lollipop, or in the shape of an anchor

What Are My Body Contouring Options?

  • Tummy Tuck
    • Removes excess abdominal tissue
    • Repairs weak abdominal muscles
    • May involve re-shaping the belly button
  • Liposuction 
    • Can remove pockets of fat from virtually anywhere on the body
    • Fat is removed using a thin, hollow tube (cannula)
    • Tumescent or ultrasonic techniques are offered
  • Brazilian Butt Lift
    • Fat is first harvested from problem areas of the body using liposuction
    • The fat cells are then purified
    • Lastly, the purified fat is injected into the buttock and hips

How Is a Mommy Makeover Performed?

Mommy Makeover surgery is an outpatient procedure performed using general anesthesia to ensure complete patient comfort and safety throughout the process. Some patients must stay overnight for observation before being discharged. The length of the procedure depends on the techniques used and the extent of correction necessary. Dr. Goldschmidt will provide you with specific details that reflect your personalized treatment during your consultation.

How Long Is My Mommy Makeover Recovery?

Patients can expect to experience the bulk of their discomfort and swelling during the first week after surgery, but Dr. Goldschmidt will prescribe medication to manage any pain. Wearing the recommended compression garments will help minimize side effects and promote healing. Women who opt for the Brazilian Butt Lift must refrain from putting any pressure on the buttocks for several weeks, except to use the restroom. Typically, patients can resume working within a week or two as long as their occupation is not physically demanding. Before your scheduled procedure, Dr. Goldschmidt will provide you with a thorough aftercare guide that specifies your recovery timeline and physical limitations.

When Will I See My Mommy Makeover Results?

Patients should notice an immediate improvement in the appearance of the treated areas, but the final results will not be visible until the body has adjusted to its new modifications. Residual swelling and bruising can obscure the results for several weeks. If any scarring develops, it is likely to fade over time with proper scar treatment and minimal sun exposure. Mommy Makeover results are considered permanent, but pregnancies, significant weight fluctuations, and aging after the procedure can alter the effects.

Are There Potential Complications After a Mommy Makeover?

It is rare for patients to experience major complications after Mommy Makeover surgery, and the risks can be minimized by diligently following all of the provided aftercare directions. Some of the possible complications associated with Mommy Makeover procedures include:

  • Bleeding
  • Scarring
  • Infection
  • Abnormal reaction to anesthesia
  • Changes in sensation
  • Blood clots

Frequently Asked Questions About the Mommy Makeover

How soon can I have a Mommy Makeover after my baby is born?

While it is recommended to wait for a Mommy Makeover until you know for sure that you are finished bearing children, some women become interested in the procedure soon after the birth of their child. If you are considering a Mommy Makeover during this timeframe, you will want to make sure that you have stopped breastfeeding and otherwise healed from the delivery. Most often, it is required to wait at least six months after the birth of your child. It is critical to remember that this procedure will prevent you from lifting anything over a few pounds for four to six weeks. You will need to have significant help around the house and around-the-clock childcare if you have young children at home.

What type of breast enhancement surgery is right for me?

Mommy Makeover surgery almost always includes a breast enhancement procedure, such as breast augmentation or breast lift surgery, since the breasts are so significantly impacted by pregnancy and breastfeeding. While some women choose either breast augmentation or a breast lift, others benefit from a combination of both. Breast augmentation adds volume to the breasts, but it does not tighten sagging breasts. Breast lift surgery elevates the breasts and makes them more compact and youthful, but it does increase volume. The right procedure for you depends on what aspects of the breasts you hope to improve.

Why should I wait to have a Mommy Makeover until after I am done having kids?

You are choosing to undergo a Mommy Makeover because of the physical changes brought on by childbirth. An additional pregnancy will have a similar impact on your physique, and you may discover that you are back to square-one following another delivery.

Why should I combine surgical procedures into a Mommy Makeover instead of performing them separately?

The Mommy Makeover is a combination procedure. While some women benefit from addressing multiple areas, others only require the treatment of one or two areas. You can choose to undergo these techniques separately; however, if you think you may want an additional one down the line, you may want to consider combining them with a Mommy Makeover. When compared to separate operations, the Mommy Makeover has a shorter recovery period (because you are healing simultaneously), is more cost-effective, and only requires one day of surgery.

What does a Mommy Makeover cost?

Your Mommy Makeover is tailored to you, and the overall cost of your procedure will reflect this personalization. Therefore, there is no way to estimate the cost of your Mommy Makeover until you consult with Dr. Goldschmidt. During this meeting, Dr. Goldschmidt will discuss your options and what is needed to provide you with superior results. The total price of your Mommy Makeover will vary depending on the procedures combined, the cost of anesthesia, the facility fees, the surgeon’s fees, and the cost of preoperative tests and postoperative dressings.

When can I go back to work after my Mommy Makeover?

Every woman experiences recovery differently. Some women can return to work and their day-to-day routines within one to two weeks of their Mommy Makeover; others require more time. This will depend on how fast your body heals as well as the type of work that you do. Women can return to desk-style jobs much sooner than positions that require them to be on their feet all day. Dr. Goldschmidt can provide you with a better estimate about when you can return to work when he sees you for your postoperative appointment.

For more information about Mommy Makeover in Cleveland, OH or to schedule your Mommy Makeover in Cleveland, OH consultation with Dr. Matt Goldschmidt, please call (216) 264-8100.