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Breast Augmentation in Cleveland, OH

Breast augmentation is the most popular cosmetic surgical procedure in Cleveland, Ohio. Most women seek breast augmentation to enhance their appearance and improve their confidence. While some wish to correct the effects of pregnancy, aging, and weight fluctuations on their breasts, others with naturally small breasts seek a larger, more voluptuous bustline to balance their bodily proportions. Dr. Matt Goldschmidt understands the complexities of breast augmentation and breast anatomy and applies that knowledge and refined artistry to every individualized procedure he performs.
Breast augmentation surgery is the most popular cosmetic surgical procedure in Cleveland, Ohio. Most women seek breast augmentation to enhance their appearance and improve their confidence.

Are you a candidate for breast augmentation?

Ideal candidates for breast augmentation must be in good health and have realistic expectations of the surgery. It is also recommended that women who are considering cosmetic surgery avoid tobacco use for several weeks before and after undergoing the procedure. Breast augmentation may be the solution for women who can relate to any of the following:

  • Asymmetrical breasts
  • Deflated breasts
  • Naturally small breasts

To learn more about the consultation process, read this article.

What are your breast augmentation options?

Many factors will be considered with regards to your breast augmentation, including:

Implant Type

  • Silicone
    • FDA approved for women over the age of 22
    • Composed of a silicone shell filled with silicone gel
    • Produces a more natural look and feel
    • Less likely to ripple or wrinkle
  • Saline 
    • FDA approved for women over the age of 18
    • Composed of a silicone shell filled with a sterile saline solution
    • More cost-effective than silicone implants
    • Can be slightly adjusted in the operating room
  • Cohesive Gel “Gummy Bear”
    • FDA approved for women over the age of 22
    • Composed of a silicone shell filled with highly cohesive silicone gel
    • Least amount of noticeable rippling
    • Maintains form with fewer complications

Implant Placement

  • Subglandular 
    • Implants are placed beneath the glandular breast tissue
    • Requires a shorter recovery period
    • Ideal for patients with adequate existing breast tissue
  • Subfascial
    • Implants are placed beneath the lining of the pectoralis muscle
    • Produces a more natural appearance and hides the implant edges
    • Lower risk of capsular contracture
    • Ideal for thin or athletic patients
  • Subpectoral
    • Implants are placed under the pectoralis major muscle
    • Produces a more naturally sloped breast appearance
    • Reduces the risk of capsular contracture and implant rippling
    • Mammograms are more accurate

Incision Location

  • Inframammary incisions are created along the crease underneath the breast, allowing for easier access to the breast pocket.
  • Transaxillary incisions are created within the armpits, so there is no visible scarring on the breasts.
  • Periareolar incisions are created around the areolas. While they are placed directly on the breasts, any resulting scars typically blend into the edges of the areolas.

How is breast augmentation performed?

Breast augmentation is usually performed using general anesthesia. It is an outpatient procedure that takes between one and two hours to complete. During your private breast augmentation consultation, Dr. Goldschmidt will design a surgical plan tailored to your individual needs and aesthetic goals.

What can I expect from my breast augmentation recovery?

The first couple of days are typically the most uncomfortable, but pain medicine will be prescribed to manage pain during the initial stages of recovery. Most patients feel well enough to return to work after one week, as long as the job does not require any heavy lifting. Strenuous activity must be avoided for at least four to six weeks.


Risks associated with breast augmentation are uncommon, and they can often be avoided by following all aftercare instructions provided by your surgeon. Complications related to breast augmentation using implants include the following:

  • Changes in sensation 
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Scarring
  • Abnormal reaction to anesthesia
  • Capsular contracture
  • Implant rupture

To learn more about the risks associated with breast augmentation, please read this article.

When will I see my breast augmentation results?

Patients can expect to notice a difference in the size of their breasts immediately following breast augmentation surgery. Once the residual swelling subsides in roughly one month, the final results will be visible. Although incisions are placed in inconspicuous locations, there is a risk that scarring will develop. However, any scars that form after surgery do tend to fade over time. Breast augmentation results are considered permanent, but subsequent pregnancies, weight fluctuations, and the natural aging process can alter the appearance of the breasts.

Frequently Asked Questions About Breast Augmentation

What is the average cost of breast augmentation?

Breast Augmentation at The Cosmetic Surgery Center in Cleveland, Ohio starts at $3,900*. The final estimate will range depending on the treatment plan, implant type, surgeon’s fees, facility fees, and anesthesia fees. At the initial consultation, Dr. Matt Goldschmidt works with each patient to create an estimate that will fit their specific needs. The figure provided above is not the intended final estimate.
*Does not include fees.

Can I breastfeed after getting breast implants?

It is possible to breastfeed after breast augmentation, as long as the mammary glands and milk ducts are intact. For breast augmentation, Dr. Goldschmidt uses an inframammary incision in the breast fold that will not cut the glands and ducts unlike a peri-areolar incision, which may do so. Many patients go on to successfully nurse with breast implants. If you want to ensure they have zero issues breastfeeding because of their breast augmentation, it is best to wait to get the procedure done once they are done having children.

Are there any non-surgical alternatives for breast enhancement in Cleveland?

There are non-surgical options for patients interested in breast enhancement in Cleveland, Ohio. A patient may consider external breast prostheses or a padded push-up bra in order to give the desired larger look. However, those options are only temporary. A surgical breast augmentation is the best option for a long-lasting, versatile breast enhancement.

With breast implants, you will be able to wear any type of clothing you desire without worrying that your chosen non-surgical option may be obvious to others. Your breast implants will be a part of you. You will be able to look at yourself in the mirror and see the improvements, whether you want to correct asymmetry, increase size, or rejuvenate your breasts. Patients who undergo breast augmentation most often feel a skyrocketed sense of confidence and improved self-esteem with their new look.

How soon can I return to work or normal activities after the surgery?

After a breast augmentation, you should expect restrictions for six to eight weeks post-surgery. These restrictions include:

  • No raising arms above head for three to four weeks
  • No lifting, pushing, or pulling anything over five pounds and/or accelerates the heart rate for six to eight weeks
  • No cardio exercise for eight weeks
  • No sexual activity for six to eight weeks
  • No driving as long as you are taking pain medicine
  • Dr. Goldschmidt may recommend you limit travel, especially by plane, for one week.

Many patients who work low activity jobs (for example, a desk job) find they can return to work a few days to a week later. Keep in mind you will still have the aforementioned restrictions. Dr. Goldschmidt is more than happy to provide documentation for your workplace.

These restrictions are recommended to keep sutures in place and prevent certain complications including swelling, implant malposition, and excess scar tissue. Dr. Goldschmidt will be sure to go over all of your restrictions and possible complications during your visits so that you are knowledgeable and prepared.

What is the difference between a breast lift and breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation and breast lift (also known as mastopexy) procedures both help reshape the breasts for an enhanced look. However, the key difference between the two procedures is that a breast augmentation using implants increases breast volume and size while a breast lift helps to rejuvenate sagging, drooping skin and/or nipples.

How do you know if you need a breast augmentation, a breast lift, or both?

A breast lift with augmentation (also known as mastopexy augmentation) is best recommended for patients who desire larger breasts while having breast or nipple sagging and ptosis. This may happen due to age, pregnancy, nursing, or weight loss, among other factors. Whatever the case, a mastopexy augmentation will allow for you to increase your cup size while also correcting drooping or asymmetric breasts. This procedure usually requires the incisions of a breast lift procedure due to the repositioning of the breasts. For more information on our breast lift procedure, please visit the “Breast Lift” page under our Surgical procedures tab.

Dr. Goldschmidt will discuss these options with you at your consultation. You can check out photos of all three procedures in our photo gallery to help decide which procedure is best for you.

How long do breast implants typically last?

Patients can go on to have their breast implants for many years, but they typically do not last forever. You may require further procedures to exchange or remove your implants. However, many patients do go on to have their breast implants for upwards of 20 years or more and only come to our office to exchange for a different implant type or size.

As with all surgical procedures, there are several complications with breast implants that may occur. If you experience a deflation, rupture, capsular contracture, or would just like to remove or exchange your implants, The Cosmetic Surgery Center is here to help.

If you are a current patient who is experiencing complications from breast augmentation and/or would like to remove or exchange your implants, Dr. Goldschmidt will want to see you at a follow-up to discuss the next steps and confirm if an adverse event has occurred. If you are a new patient, we will schedule a consultation for you to meet with our staff and decide on a treatment plan.

How is my implant type determined?

There are many factors that you and your surgeon need to consider when choosing your breast implant. Breast implants are advanced and flexible devices that are selected based on a patient’s personal goals for size, shape, texture, and material. Saline and silicone implants are the two most preferred types of implants. Implants also come in different forms (profiles), such as low, moderate, high, and ultra-high, or anatomic (teardrop) shaped implants.

For example, one common implant is the “gummy bear” implant. The gummy bear phrase is used to describe the highly cohesive silicone within the gel implants. Silicone with a high amount of cohesiveness is less like a liquid, which makes the silicone implant dramatically safer when ruptured as there is less opportunity for free silicone to enter the rest of the body.

What happens if my implant bursts?

While breast implants can last for several decades, breast implants are not permanent and may be prone to rupture. This can be a response to a patient’s lifestyle choices or a traumatic injury, or simply be the luck of the draw.

Patients should educate themselves on the differences between saline and silicone breast implant ruptures to seek proper and immediate care. Saline implants ruptures are typically easier to identify as deflation tends to occur right away. Silicone implant ruptures, however, are more challenging to detect as deflation is less immediate and usually requires more extensive diagnosis (with an MRI or ultrasound). It is important that if any rupture is detected, patients seek immediate medical attention to prevent further complications.

Does breast augmentation hurt?

While anesthesia is safely and professionally administered during your procedure to maintain comfort during the procedure, breast augmentation surgery is still surgery and should not be expected to be completely pain-free, especially in the following days. Swelling, discomfort, and feelings of tenderness around the chest are all commonly experienced after surgery.

It is important to remember that each patient experiences and handles pain differently, with some experiencing negligible pain or insignificant discomfort. Regardless of your situation, your surgeon will take the proper precautions with prescription medications and recovery plans to provide the most effective and appropriate care.

Do I need a breast lift to go with my breast augmentation?

If a patient is experiencing significant sagging in their breasts, a combined breast lift may be the ideal choice. Breast lift surgery, also known as mastopexy, is designed to raise the breast line and restore perkiness to the breasts and nipples. There are many different breast lift incision techniques, such as periareolar, lollipop, and anchor. The correct incision will depend on the amount of breast laxity (ptosis) present.

To learn more about combining other procedures with your breast augmentation, read this article.

For more information about Breast Augmentation in Cleveland, OH or to schedule your Breast Augmentation in Cleveland, OH consultation with Dr. Matt Goldschmidt, please call (216) 264-8100.