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Arm Lift in Cleveland, OH

Do you struggle with excess skin and unwanted fat in your upper arms? If so, you may be a candidate for arm lift surgery. This procedure can restore your arms to reveal a sculpted, toned aesthetic and improve your self-confidence.

Natural aging, significant weight loss, and lifestyle choices can lead to displeasing skin laxity in the upper arms. Exercise and weight lifting can help tone the underlying musculature of the arms, but loose skin is likely to remain, making it difficult to wear sleeveless tops without feeling uncomfortable. Brachioplasty or arm lift surgery restores youthful contours to the upper arms by removing excess tissue, resulting in a fitter look and feel. Dr. Matt Goldschmidt utilizes the latest surgical techniques to perform arm lift surgery in the Cleveland, Ohio area, vastly improving the appearance of his patients’ arms and revitalizing their self-confidence.

Am I an Arm Lift Candidate?

Ideal candidates for arm lift surgery must be in good overall health and have realistic expectations of the procedure. Patients who are seeking cosmetic surgical enhancement are also advised to quit using nicotine containing products for four weeks before and after their scheduled surgery. Arm lift surgery can help minimize or eliminate the following upper arm concerns:

  • Sagging skin
  • Unwanted fat
  • Obscured contours

What Are My Arm Lift Options?

Arm lift surgery can be performed using several different techniques, depending on the extent of correction required and the desired outcome. Some arm lift options include:


  • Traditional Liposuction

    • Removes unwanted fat using suction technology and a thin, hollow instrument (cannula)
    • Helps complement the natural contours of the arms and surrounding areas
    • Ideal for patients with both excess fat and skin laxity
  • Ultrasonic Liposuction

    • Utilizes ultrasonic technology to help break up fat cells for easier removal
    • Can be performed on the arms as well as the surrounding areas
    • Ideal for younger patients with minimal excess skin

Standard Arm Lift

  • An incision is created from the armpit to the elbow
  • Excess skin and fat can be removed via excision
  • Remaining tissues are tightened for an improved appearance

Extended Arm Lift

  • An extended incision is created from the elbow to the armpit and down the side of the chest.
  • Corrects skin laxity and removes fat from the upper arms as well as under the arms
  • Ideal for patients who have experienced dramatic weight loss

How Is Arm Lift Surgery Performed?

Arm lift surgery is an outpatient procedure that is typically performed using general anesthesia. Surgery usually lasts one to three hours, depending on the techniques used and desired extent of correction. Dr. Goldschmidt will assess your unique condition during a personal consultation and develop a customized surgical plan that reflects your needs.

How Long Is My Arm Lift Recovery?

Patients experience the peak of their discomfort during the first two days of recovery, but pain can be managed with oral medication. Residual swelling and bruising may persist for two weeks or longer. Strenuous activity and exercise must be limited for several weeks. However, most patients can return to work one or two weeks after surgery as long as the job does not involve heavy lifting.

When Will I See My Arm Lift Results?

Patients should notice an improvement in the appearance of their upper arms shortly following arm lift surgery. Swelling and bruising may mask some of the newly formed contours, but the results will be more apparent in six to eight weeks when these side effects subside. Dr. Goldschmidt is careful to place all arm lift incisions in discreet locations, but there is always a risk of developing some visible scarring. Fortunately, most scars are likely to fade over time.

Are There Any Complications Associated With Arm Lift Surgery?

It is rare to experience complications following arm lift surgery, and the risk can be dramatically reduced by following all postoperative instructions. Some of the potential complications associated with arm lift surgery may include:

  • Adverse reaction to anesthesia
  • Changes in sensation
  • Scarring
  • Bleeding
  • Infection

Frequently Asked Questions About Arm Lift Surgery

How long will my arm lift results last?

Your brachioplasty results are long lasting or permanent if you maintain a stable, healthy weight. A significant increase in weight after this surgery will compromise the results. That’s why we recommend our patients be at a stable weight before their arm lift and maintain a healthy lifestyle afterward.

While there may be some age-related skin laxity as time goes on, your arms should always look slimmer with tighter skin than if you hadn’t had the surgery.

Can I drive myself home after arm lift surgery?

Absolutely not. Arm lift surgery is performed under anesthesia, and following your arm lift, you will not have full movability of your arms. Both of these conditions prevent you from driving yourself home from your surgery or driving in the following days. 

You will need to arrange for someone to drive you to and from the appointment and, preferably, stay with you for the first night to help with all necessary chores and activities.

How much does arm lift surgery cost?

Brachioplasty costs vary between patients and geographical regions. Your arm lift fee is an inclusive amount that includes the hospital fee, surgeon’s fee, anesthesia fees, and all pre-and post-surgical appointments. The cost of your arm lift will also fluctuate depending on the extent of the procedure and if you choose to combine your arm lift with any other surgery.

Is arm lift surgery painful?

Everybody experiences some discomfort and pain after arm lift surgery. Nevertheless, this pain should be moderate. Most patients only experience discomfort for a few days after the surgery, and it can be managed by prescription medication or over-the-counter pain relievers. 

This is just a small price to pay for beautiful arms.

How can I prepare for arm lift surgery?

It takes at least 14 days to recover fully. It is critical to schedule sufficient time off from work and your daily obligations to allow for a full recovery. You will also need to ensure that you complete all required medical tests and screenings.

When will I return for a post-operative appointment after brachioplasty?

To ensure that your recovery is going smoothly and your arm lift is successful, you will return to see Dr. Goldschmidt one week after your surgery. He will be able to evaluate your incisions and swellings and give you a more accurate estimate of when you can return to all activities, including exercise.

When should I be concerned if I am experiencing complications after brachioplasty?

If you experience heavy bleeding, excessive swelling, persistent pain, fluid pockets, or prolonged fever (over 100 degrees), please contact Dr. Matt Goldschmidt immediately. 

With many patients, it’s just the normal post-surgery side effects, but it’s always better to be safe.

Should I combine my arm lift with any other procedures?

While some patients choose arm lift surgery as a standalone procedure, others choose to combine their brachioplasty with other cosmetic surgeries, such as liposuction of the surrounding areas, breast lift surgery, or breast augmentation surgery

Some men choose to combine their arm lift with gynecomastia surgery (male breast reduction) to sculpt their upper body.

If I have excess arm fat, will I need an arm lift, or is there a less invasive option?

Arm lift surgery offers the most extensive correction of sagging skin and fat on the upper arm region. However, some patients complain about excess fat pockets on the arm without having loose skin.

If you would like to minimize your arm fat but have good skin elasticity, liposuction alone may be appropriate for you. This technique suctions out unwanted fat but does not involve the longer incisions associated with an arm lift.

For more information about Arm Lift in Cleveland, OH or to schedule your Arm Lift in Cleveland, OH consultation with Dr. Matt Goldschmidt, please call (216) 264-8100.