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Liquid Facelift in Cleveland, OH

The liquid facelift is a safe and less expensive alternative to undergoing invasive facial rejuvenation surgery. Patients in Cleveland, Ohio, can achieve the refreshed appearance they long for with a nonsurgical liquid facelift treatment.

Facial rejuvenation procedures are designed to reduce displeasing signs of aging, such as wrinkles, skin laxity, and volume loss. The idea of cosmetic surgery, however, can be daunting due to its invasive nature, lengthy recovery, and permanent results. Dr. Matt Goldschmidt offers the highly customizable liquid facelift to give patients a smoother and more youthful appearance without necessitating incisions or general anesthesia. This treatment involves the use of various dermal fillers that stimulate the natural production of collagen for natural and effective rejuvenation results.


Men and women who wish to minimize signs of facial aging without surgery may consider the liquid facelift if they are in good health and possess a realistic expectation of their results. The best candidates for this treatment are concerned about one or more of the following imperfections:

  • Facial creases
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Hollowed cheeks
  • Thinning lips

Liquid facelift Options

Depending on your specific needs and cosmetic objectives, the following injectable products may be used:

  • JUVÉDERM®: A hyaluronic acid gel that is appropriate for filling in fine lines and replenishing lost facial volume.
  • Restylane®: An all-natural filler that can be used to plump the skin and restore volume to aging lips.
  • Perlane®: A formula that is designed to target severe facial creases and facial volume loss.
  • RADIESSE®: An injectable that triggers the production of new collagen and tissue regeneration for wrinkles around the nose and mouth.
  • BELOTERO BALANCE®: This injectable is ideal for treating moderate-to-severe lines and wrinkles, resulting in beautiful rejuvenation effects.


The liquid facelift involves a series of dermal filler treatments over the course of several months, resulting in a smooth surface and a youthful glow. A topical anesthetic can be applied to the injection sites for optimal comfort. The details of your procedure will be determined during your initial consultation with Dr. Goldschmidt. Each appointment can be completed in 30 minutes or less.


Men and women who opt for the liquid facelift do not need to remain in repose after treatment. There may be minor tenderness or redness in the treated areas, but these side effects resolve quickly. All normal activities can be resumed immediately, but it is recommended to avoid strenuous or high-impact exercises for at least 24 hours.


Patients can enjoy the results of their liquid facelift procedure immediately. After a thorough course of injections and occasional touch-up appointments, the effects are expected to last for several years.


It is unusual for patients to experience complications following a liquid facelift treatment. Some of the possible risks may include:

  • Prolonged swelling
  • Bruising
  • Facial asymmetry
  • Discomfort
For more information about Liquid Facelift in Cleveland, OH or to schedule your Liquid Facelift in Cleveland, OH consultation with Dr. Matt Goldschmidt, please call (216) 264-8100.